Source: Melissa Kaye
Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (WFHR, WIRI) – The WI Rapids Public Works Committee met last week. One agenda item included discussing a request from Alderperson Madelyn Palmquist on options for an ATV/UTV ordinance in the city. There was an ordinance on the ballot in November and all but one district voted against it. Alderperson Ryan Austin, District 1, is still in support of passing an ordinance. Austin’s district is the only one that voted in favor of passing the ordinance. Austin stated, “As many of you know, Wisconsin Rapids is strategically positioned near one of the largest and most extensive ATV/UTV trail networks in the state. By embracing an ordinance that allows these vehicles to legally operate on city streets, we open the door to tremendous economic opportunity.”
Madelyn Palmquist said one of the things the people voted against in the original ordinance was having 12 to 15 year-olds being able to drive ATV/UTVs in the city. She doesn’t think everyone is completely against having the vehicles on the streets, rather that the ordinance allowed things voters were against. Palmquist is in favor of drafting an ordinance that includes requiring that drivers have a license.
Alderperson Dean Veneman, District 2, said if there were to be a new ordinance, it would need to be significantly different than the one Wisconsin Rapids residents voted 55 to 45 against passing. He said 55 to 45 in today’s political climate is a landslide.
Wood County Highway Commissioner Roland Hawk spoke on having ATV/UTVs on county roads. At the county level, they were concerned that having these types of vehicles on the roads would tear up the shoulders and cause damage to pavement. Hawk was initially against it but as it proved to be safe, he has come around to the idea. He stated, “But the more we experienced ATVs and UTVs on our roads, we did not see problems.” All county highways are currently open unless posted.
Madelyn Palmquist made a motion to approve the drafted ordinance with an additional restriction for all operators to have a valid driver’s license as well as having staff review of the ordinance. The motion passed with everyone in favor. The ATV/UTV ordinance will now move to the Common Council. They will likely discuss it at their next meeting on January 21st. You can see the full Public Works meeting from January 9, 2025 here.
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