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No Contract Yet with SWCHS and the City of WI Rapids

Source: Melissa Kaye

No Contract Yet with SWCHS and the City of WI Rapids

There is still no contract signed with SWCHS and the City of WI Rapids. Several meetings, but little progress.

Melissa Kaye

Dec 5, 2024, 6:23 PM CST



Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. (WFHR, WIRI) – Another meeting and still no contract with SWCHS and the City of WI Rapids. South Wood County Humane Society Board President Tim Kriz spoke at the Finance and Property Committee meeting on Tuesday, December 3rd. He again shared how the contract has been refigured for municipalities that contract with the South Wood County Humane Society. The new contract is based on use, making it a fairer charge for services rendered.

Requested changes to the Contract

Committee members discussed revisions they want to make to the contract. These include requiring a photo ID and a copy of the driver license for anyone picking up an animal from SWCHS. They feel this would allow municipalities to bill their residents for shelter services. They also want the shelter to track how many days the animals are kept at the shelter and include that in the reports they share with municipalities.

A & D Record

SWCHS keeps what is called an Admission and Discharge Record for each animal they receive at the shelter. A copy of this form is given to the municipality. This is the common practice the shelter has followed in past years and they will continue to do so.

A&D Sheet from SWCHS
A&D Sheet from SWCHS

Lies spreading in the community

At the meeting on December 3rd, Kriz addressed rumors that are being spread in the community. These lies are about the renovations that are happening at the shelter and where that money is coming from. The shelter has a new septic and they have updated the dog room. Upgrades are continuing with new, safer office spaces. They will have their own surgical center and are working to have a full time vet on site. They will include a community room in the new addition where the public can attend informational classes. 

Kriz said someone is spreading rumors that the shelter has hidden money and is gouging the city. That is not true. The money for these upgrades are not part of the shelter operating budget. The money came from the legacy foundation by a grant or was donated by people who willed it to the shelter for these upgrades.

Improvements to SWCHS

SWCHS hopes to complete the new addition by spring and be able to give tours to municipalities who contract with them. They will also have an Open House for the public. Kriz said this work is being done for the good of the animals and also the people in the community. He’s excited for these improvements and the good they will bring, not only to the facility itself, but also to the municipalities who contract with them.

Motion died on the floor

A motion was made to pass the revised 2025 contract with the SWCHS and the City of WI Rapids. There was no second, so the motion died for lack of a second. The contract may come back as a Finance and Property Committee meeting item next week on December 10. The Common Council meeting is on December 17th.


If you would like to express your thoughts on this community issue, you can contact your Alderperson by phone or email. You can find which Wisconsin Rapids City district you reside in here. If you want to contact your Alderperson, you can find that information on the City website here.

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